Thanks to modern technology and social media, the American public is finally witnessing incidents of police brutality and racial injustice that have plagued the US since its founding.
Countless videos and images of protests against police brutality continue to sweep the nation. One such video tweeted by Jordan Uhl, a political consultant and activist in Washington, D.C., generated more than 45 million views. His 2-minute, 13-second supercut (an edited version of 14 clips) which he calls "This Is a Police State", showed an officer ramming his car into protesters. Mr. Uhl's intent, he said, was to shift the media’s focus away from looting and property damage, to mass mobilization against police brutality.
Christian Cooper who was birding in New York City's Central Park. The film of his encounter with a white woman who claimed her life was being threatened by an African American man after he asked her to obey posted signs regarding off-leash dogs was uploaded by his sister online. It immediately went viral, sparking world wide intrigue. "Birdwatching is open to all, unless you are Black."
With Twitter becoming the main nerve center of the American news cycle, the media can easily identify and publicize first hand visual content of news events, like protests, in real time.