Stacey Abrams Launches Voter Protection Initiative

Stacey Abrams, who nearly clinched victory in last year’s gubernatorial race in Georgia, has founded the Fair Fight 2020 initiative to combat voter suppression in 20 battleground states throughout the United States.

The Georgia gubernatorial election, of which Abrams was the Democratic candidate, has been repeatedly questioned for its widespread voter suppression. The Republican nominee, Brian Kemp, served as Secretary of State during the election, controlling the office that oversees state elections. 

What she’s saying: "Voter suppression is the base line that determines whether your voice is heard, whether the values and the policies that you want ever come to fruition," said Abrams. Though she will not be running for President in 2020, Stacey Abrams has kept her options open for being the eventual Democratic nominee’s running mate. 

What is Fair Fight 2020: Amid foreign interference in our democracy and sophisticated voter suppression efforts, Fair Fight is working with “Democratic state parties and local allies” to protect the right to vote. The group advocates for election reform, voter education, and encourages turnout within Georgia and around the country. 

Why it matters: Reports state that Russia targeted election systems in all 50 states and a recent Supreme Court decision allows state legislatures to gerrymander on a partisan basis.
